We are hosting a big party on Saturday...It will be Tyler's birthday, Harley's birthday (he turns 13 on Monday! yes, already!) and Robert's graduation (he graduates on the 21st)...So we are trying to get our deck built before then. It may not be completely done by then...we are using 'reclaimed' materials...so we need to scrape some parts, sand and put filler in a few spots (according to Andrew) and then repaint it...but as long as it's usable (doesn't need to be pretty yet right?!) by Saturday, I'll be happy....
Harley started with a new in-home OT a couple of weeks ago...one of the first things he did was check her (finger) nails and ask her if she was going to grab him and hurt him like Holly did...then I had to explain what happened with the past OT in December.
We also got word that Harley's aide is considered a 'building support' aide and will not be assigned directly to him only for next school year. Lots of paperwork and phone calls involved, but we are working on trying to get him an aide that is assigned directly to him for next year (and high school, which is an even bigger challenge).
Zac and Tyler and Harley have all been sick...they appear to be over the worst of it, but Tyler still has an awful cough holding on...
I can't believe there's only 3 weeks of school left (for Tyler, Harley and Kelly - Robert's last day of school is on the 2oth, so he has only 6 days of school left! YIPES!). Harley's all registered for summer camp already (has been since February) so we are well on the road to starting summer vacation....
Oh and Patti is insisting on putting us in for Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I guess we will go ahead (actually we already did) the paperwork to get it submitted. Just gotta find someone to do the video now. I doubt we'll get picked, especially with the work we've gotten done around the house ourselves but I guess it never hurts to try?!
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