Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Make that a FOUR day weekend

for Harley...I'm super frustrated ....

I got through to everyone...

The psychiatrist does not feel that the behaviors are as side effect of the medication. We'll be seeing him on Monday anyways so we'll evaluate and discuss it more then. He feels that these outbursts seems to be related to anger of some sort...we're not sure what's setting him off, but there's really no medication that stops anger...*sigh*

The pediatrician says there doesn't appear to be any underlying medical reason why he would be having these outbursts...

The behavior therapist team feels if the school will cooperate with this "token system" that they have Harley work with at their center it would help. They offered to train and provide all the materials to the staff at the school...as long as the staff at the school responds....

The ARC Advocate...well she and I are playing phone tag but she agrees with the route I've taken to this point (thankfully we can leave each other nice looong voice mails)...

That leaves the school...I called THREE Times yesterday...leaving voice mails for the psychologist since the principal says it's all on her. I also tried to reach the principal but he was always "busy" and the psychologist was always "with a student" so I got no where. I did send an email to the psychologist and STILL no response...

I hope I can personally talk to the ARC advocate today (Patricia, whose worked on Harley's case before)...She feels it would be ok to send Harley to school and if they suspend him, they would be forced to modify his behavior plan...she is not aware that they refused to give him a behavior plan this year so I'm going to wait to talk to her before sending him...I think the "rules" change if there is no behavior plan in place currently...But I need to verify that with her before I'm comfortable sending him to school.

Not only that but Andrew is very concerned that we will send him and he will hurt someone at the school and we will end up being sued...IF a behavior plan was in effect than it would fall on the school -- that is WHY he has a full time one on one aide and she's obviously not been doing her job or it wouldn't have gotten this out of hand....

The school officials seem to be hung up on the fact that he keeps "threatening" to kill them...I told them before, he has no plan (which is the important part) and this is something he says quite often...we are working on it...it's not like we can flip a switch to remove that word from his vocabulary. Every since the Columbine Tragedy people "take it seriously when they are threatened to be killed" ... Ok, well he's 11 and can't even cross a street by himself...He has no access to guns, knives (not even kitchen knives)...I mean really, I think the school is overreacting...after all he IS a special needs kiddo in a special education program.

I hope to hear from the school today...If not then I will go above their heads to the special ed director. I am trying to give them time to finish the IEP final draft and have a 'meeting about what they are going to do with Harley'.

I just wish I could feel comfortable sending him to school...all we are doing is messing up his routine and creating more behaviors...

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