Sunday, January 31, 2010

A trying week ahead of me

Just a taste of what I've been dealing with the last couple of weeks that has kept me from blogging LOL

I have a difficult week ahead of me and can use all the extra help/thoughts/prayers I can get...

I have a sick toddler (Zac)...fever, cough, sounds awful...leaving me sleep deprived as well so that isn't helping the emotional aspects...

Yesterday Robert was at a friends' house. He suddenly stalked in the door and started slamming stuff around...ends up that the 7yo girl (who he is always been very cool with) started to jump on his back..he told her to stop and she didn' he smacked her! (her mom is my bff and had spent the night at my house after a loooong girls' night!)...I just don't know what to do to get through to him...he turns 18 in 3 days...the only thing I see getting through to him is jail time...because he's just not getting it...more on that later...

Today my teens come back after spending 18 hours with my ex husband and his parents. They are always very edgy and tense. I don't know what to do for them. Kelly is sick too...sore throat (and we asked her dad not to make her go since her grandpa is dying of a cancerous brain tumor and shouldn't be exposed to any sicknesses), but he refused.

Monday I have to get a blood draw to find out my cortisol levels now that I am not on the prednisone anymore...My pituitary may have been damaged by the pressure on it over the years or by the surgery. If my levels come back low, I will have to have more testing...and probably hormone replacement therapy (my adrenal gland does not appear to be working correctly). We were still hoping to not try/not prevent for we don't know where we stand on that...we will talk to the dr after the final results come in.

Also Monday I see the neurosurgeon for follow up...last time he didn't even so much as look at me, just asked a couple of questions and rushed out of the I his bedside manner sucks even more...when I went to the dr last week I found out that the neurosurgeon didn't even have my neurosurgery input into my medical records!! (it will be 11 weeks tomorrow!) He has released me to drive - but I can't turn my head fast without dizziness so I figure driving is probably not a good thing...

Then Tuesday we have to go to court with Robert about his assault charges from when he jumped a girl at school a couple of weeks ago. I am scared he will have this bad attitude he's been having with us and the judge will slap him hard! He keeps playing this "she deserved it" game...we don't know yet if the parents will be pressing charges or asking for restitution (the girl is a pom and he put her in a headlock and punched her in the head a couple of times, then scratched her on the chest to draw blood). He has disabilities and the school psychologist is planning on being there to explain his 'issues' as well as me taking his medical documentations...but still, I don't want him to get off the hook because of his disabilities...then I feel like a bad parent?!

Wednesday Robert turns 18...I am seriously worried that he will get his ass in a sling and end up in jail for hitting someone or acting inappropriately...I just don't know how to get through to him. I've had him in counseling, but he got discharged because he would clam up and sit and draw the whole it was a waste of the counselor's time. Now that he turns 18 everything changes about who he can see (he has to switch to an adult therapist)--and he has trust issues...what am I supposed to do?

Also Wednesday I have to meet with the new special ed director for Harley's school. He was "at the top of her list" when she took over as the director a few weeks ago...she called a special meeting so that she could ask how we best handle his behaviors and aggressiveness...well he has a behavior plan. I asked if she had met him yet...and she responds with once...I told her he is a different kid in person, much happier and joyous than what's on paper...she responds with "not from what I saw"...I guess the school called her out on her first day during one of his I feel that was so totally unfair as her first impression of him was not so good....

Then Thursday I get to do all the follow up on everything else. I still have to schedule Harley's appointments too...he has been having more problems, more seizures (which are creating the behaviors, but they are abscense (sp?) seizures and the school insists he's NOT having them b/c they expect a seizure to be a falling on the floor flailing around...even though he has a health plan that describes exactly what a seizure looks like for him...

So he has to have an MRI and EEG -- but has to be sedated...he has had a brain cyst since he was a baby and they are concerned that it may have grown some and may have to remove it now. (It's at the base of his skull). He's also been going down hill with his physical attributes and has to start on PT and I still have to find an in home OT for him to replace the one who did the illegal restraint on him.

Speaking of that, we are in the process of working with the State Dept of Health on the investigation to see what actions the state may take against her (we are not filing legal charges b/c we don't want to put Harley through the stress of police/court).

Then next week I have to meet with Harley's state caseworker to ensure he still qualifies for the specialized 24/7 line of sight extensive benefits. I have no doubt but that is so hard on me because I have to focus on all the negatives about him during those meetings...I hate having to do that...It always makes me cry!!

I'm sorry this is so are an amazing friend if you made it this far...


Twice the blessing, plus one said...

Prayers are on there way.....take a deep breath, it will get done. It looks like a daunting week on paper/screen, but you are awesome with time management....HUGS!

Haley said...

Hi Tracy,
I am so sorry you have so MUCH to deal with. I do not really have any advice regarding Robert but I wanted to let you know I read your post, I will be thinking of you. My boys are not that age yet.
I hope you have better news at your dr's appointments.