Friday, January 15, 2010

*sigh* My day...

It's been crazy busy today...well the last few's a quick over view while I have it all typed up and I may come back and try to update based on this...I also have a few pictures I'd love to upload but it's hard to get computer time the last few days....

IDK how many read on Facebook that Robert got suspended on Wednesday for getting into a fight with a girl at school. We're looking at 3rd degree assault charges from the preliminary investigation...he's just lucky he's still a minor at this point but UGH what a headache!! I don't know what kind of fine or court proceedings we're gonna have to deal with. My Ex (his dad who desserted him by moving to Wy with 2 weeks notice to him in March?)...has a very I don't care attitude so I just had to take the bull by the horns...IDK what we are going to do for getting him more mental health treatment since he turns 18 in 2 weeks and his dad won't put him on his health insurance and we don't go to mediation (or get any idea of possibly SOME child support) until late the earliest.

Got the investigation on the OT abusing Harley a couple of months ago too (well got my copy of the written investigation)...The OT's side of the story is all twisted and full of lies and could've lead to Harley being considered for out of home placement due to 'being a danger to himself and others' but it backfired on her b/c we have so many other therapists and the school working with him ...and she ended up in trouble because he only acted out agressively on her b/c she didn't follow his behavior plan *whew*

Then I have this drama with this woman over the SantaSwap thing and she also removed all my freecycle memberships so I've been dealing with the main office of freecycle trying to get my moderation privileges (and memberships) reinstated. I swear, she is being so damned childish....

THere is so much more going on but that is what I already had typed up so I just C&P'd it here...I will try to keep up better in the coming days and try to catch up with posts and pics!!

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