Sunday, December 21, 2008

Revised agenda :)

As soon as I find the rest of my energy...Let's see so far I have gotten the carpet cleaned, the laundry done (well, still gotta strip Harley's bed and remake/rewash all that too!)...

I guess the cookies I'll have to do on my own...I think I'll use the cookie press and just get it overwith! It's been years since I used the cookie press though so we'll see how it works out...They may end up as Christmas cookie blobs instead of Christmas cookies.

The gingerbread houses we'll just make another day this coming week. I doubt I'll send Harley to go swimming tomorrow if he's got his 'problem'...but so far so good.

The shower, oh the glorious shower!! I can't wait!! When Andrew gets home I get to take my shower!!

The mall and's either gonna wait or Andrew's going to have to go and do it himself. IDK about me leaving the kids behind...I don't like to leave when any of my kids are sick and the last thing I need is Harley having to go potty in public...(he won't give me enough warning that he feels the urge :( )...

What else was on my list? Geeze, I can't even remember...I guess instead of shopping maybe I'll get on wrapping...haven't even started THAT yet!

oh and a +opk we haven't blown our shot completely yet...

Well now that the carpet is done and I'm just waiting on Andrew so I can take a shower..and Zac's down for his nap...Tyler's watching some Blue's Clues (and looks like he's ready to pass out!)...Harley's pacing around but maybe that will lull me into a nice deep nap? :) Maybe I'll just lay down for a few minutes...

1 comment:

Haley said...

Oh Tracy,

I hope everyone in your house feels better before Christmas. I am sorry everyone is sick.