Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Housework game

And so that I don't obsess over my chart all day long, I'm gonna play and try to catch up. The wind is whipping outside with no signs of letting up...it's gusting about 65mph here so we won't be going out and about....

So my list for today as of 7:55am:
Updates in red as of 7:01 pm:
updates in blue as of 8:30pm

*start archiving 2008 paperwork Started anyways :)
*sweep & mop kitchen floor DONE, buy why? LOL reswept for a fourth time today!
*strip / remake beds DONE!!
*wash linens Not gonna get done today--well maybe later after Zac's down but won't get folded today
*wash 2 more loads of laundry DONE!
*fold 5 loads of laundry (I have 3 left over that need to be folded :) ) DONE and Put away too!
*vacuum all rooms Tyler will do this when Zac goes to bed Tyler's working on it now! :)
*clean Harley's room (again???!! LOL) Harley did most of it...although there's still stuff under the bed, but what 11 yr old doesn't have stuff under his bed?
*in home nurse visit for Harley at 10:30 DONE!
*clean upstairs bathroom Maybe later, Zac didn't take a very good nap today...maybe while I'm giving the boys a bath I can multitask? So it got wiped down, but not disinfected...maybe tomorrow?
*give Ty and Zac a bath After dinner...which is ready NOW! Bath is done, Zac's asleep

Feels like I've been slacking all day? Got what 1/2 of my list done in 12 hours? Geeze!! How lame!
Of course, I have all my other things...cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes...Let's see how far I get today?

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