Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Story of Johnnie Appleseed...

Harley was selected to 'read' the part of Johnnie Appleseed in an upcoming skit they are doing in the Challenge Room (the spec ed classroom).

Last night, Harley bolts into the house and runs to the kitchen (nothing unusual about that)...I thought he was off to raid the cabinets and shooed him out of the kitchen. As I am serving up dinner I look in his backpack for homework...His folder is not there so I figured OK, they forgot to have him put it in his backpack...

This morning at 8:15 I 'discovered' the missing homework folder...In the cereal cabinet stashed!! Inside is the script with a note from his aide that says that Harley needs to read it out loud with us to 'practice'...Now keep in mind that Harley boards the bus at 8:22...Umm, not gonna get it done in 7 minutes.

I asked Harley why he hid his homework (and he corrected me...NO it's why you hidded my homework!!)...I went on to say that he was supposed to read Johnnie Appleseed - And he said "um, haha, grunt, No Thanks, hehe"...

So Harley was informed that he would not have his computer (or game) time tonight if he didn't read it...After many tears and this crying that is just screaming at the top of his lungs (just ask the neighbors, he makes it sound like someone is hurting him!) He donned his coat and boarded the bus. He was chomping at the bit to read it when he arrived home tonight!! Literally...The kid brought the script out of his backpack and was standing in the kitchen with it hanging out of his mouth!!

Hell, I'm just proud as can be that he's been picked to read as the main character of the story. It bites that I can't be there to watch or he'll refuse to do it and have a meltdown because he thinks he should get to go home if he sees mom or dad at school...I can't have anyone tape it for me b/c he will destroy their camera (he hates being video taped...I'm thinking he's got paranoid schizophrenia...after all he is diagnosed with psychosis (NOS))...That means I'll get a one liner from the school that says something along the lines of "Harley did well" or "Harley did not participate" (since it all depends on his mood...sometimes he's so inconsistent!).

So that's my version of the Story of Johnnie Appleseed...

1 comment:

Chaotic Momma said...

YAY for HARLEY!!! That is great Tracy. I'm so excited for you. I would be super proud. I'm sorry you won't be able to go watch. I understand he won't let anyone video tape him. Have you thought about talking to his teachers to see if they would allow a tape recorder? And maybe someone could take random pictures. Just some thoughts that might help you get an ear in at least.