Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Days are getting crazier and crazier

The closer I come to I may start going MIA for long periods of time (as I have been). I schedule my surgery on Friday....I have Andrew taking the necessary steps to reactivate himself as Harley's CNA while I am "out of commission". Thankfully my job is the most wonderful place anyone could work and I have enough sick and vacation time saved to get full paychecks while I am out (assuming I will only need 3 weeks total off work). That will cover my health insurance premiums as well..then Andrew will also be getting paid the full check as well for filling in for me and is taking a leave of absence from work for however long the doctor tells him he needs to be available -- but definitely for the days I'll be in the hospital.

Once Friday rolls around I will be busy contacting people in my family to let them know when and where the surgery will be...amazing how family finally starts to find you when you are in "need" of support?! It's nice though since I'm rarely on any of my boards anymore. I have been battling awful depression and anxiety the closer we get to just the scheduling of the surgery.

I'm under extreme amounts of stress with the surgery looming as it is...then I have my Ex starting some crap over those papers I filed waaay back in August! For the past two days I have been working on my finanical affidavits, which has not been an easy task. It's really cut into my Zac & Mommy time as well!

Now Tyler's got such bad diarrhea tonight that most likely he won't be going to school tomorrow...he wants diaper rash cream and wearing underpants even makes it hurt worse his poor little butt is so sore!!

Zachary's had a verbal explosion this week, not only speaking words, but two syllable words and even a couple of really cool short sentences...He has a good 20 words now and I am super excited!! The speech therapist definitely feels that our mommy & me time help a lot with his verbalizations. I am so so proud of my little man..this week he even started to answer the question of how old are you? (and he responds with 2!! -- Not till December, but I'm gonna let him get away with it!) He's back to working on potty training and I predict by this summer my house will be diaperless! Not sure how I feel about that one!

I failed to come back and tell everyone what a great week Harley's had at school! Monday he had a substitute para and started full time on Tuesday...both Tuesday and Wednesday I got reports of him having an "awesome and productive" day!! I am so proud of him too!

My ex called and decided he wanted to spend the weekend with the kids. Robert leaves for his field trip on Sunday at 6:45 AM and is stressing out that his dad won't get him there in time for the motor coach...Kelly is stressing because she doesn't even want to acknowledge her dad, no less spend a whole weekend with him so she is plotting how she can get HIM to disown HER over the weekend. I think it's a bad idea, but she keeps telling me that she's old enough to make her own decisions and I cannot stop her.

Andrew is stressing out about my surgery date also! We're upping his meds in the next couple of days...I'm hoping the leave of absence from work really helps him to destress some, although I think being around the kids full time and trying to keep up with the house will be pretty stressful as well.

i'm hoping someday soon I can get Kelly to give me some pics she took at the Homecoming dance...her first HighSchool formal dance...but she went stag...but still...I want to see the pics...the theme was Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and she went with a group of her friends (who also came to her birthday party).

Oh did I mention that she broke my card reader on my laptop? That's why I haven't been uploading pics (that and a lack of time!) I have to get my old HP Printer out that has a card reader...

Oh yeah, and we are also still trying to finalize her room...we have to get some insuilation done in there, some patchwork on areas that were water damaged...but we managed to get all the wallpaper down, the room fumigated and everyting in there cleaned, washed and certified bed bug free!!

Well, I've gone on long enough here for tonight...since Tyler won't be going to school tomorrow I should have time to get my throwback picture up pretty quick...thank goodness for my scanner!! LOL

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