Friday, May 8, 2009

Update on Harley

Well, kind of....

I got word this morning that the principal at Harley's school got terminated. I'm pretty sure it was because of the complaint I filed with the State Head of Special Education....If I was the suing kind of person, the school system could've been sued over the actions the school has taken...I'd rather not sue them, but bring to light and educate the school on how to handle these kinds of situations correctly! I am an "educator" in that respect...and an advocate...Suing them would not teach them much but animosity I think....

So this explains why the staff at the school hasn't even as much as written in Harley's back and forth book this week...Although they (I think) know I won't sue them, the last thing they want to do is lose their jobs for being anal or saying the wrong things.

I do have a call and email in to the Head of Spec Ed....Hoping we're gonna have our first meeting (and hopefully the ONLY meeting that is gonna be necessary because he's going to get EVERYONE together - the staff at the new school, the staff at the old school, the ARC advocate, himself and the special ed director for our "area")...

It's coming close to the end of the school year...Only 11 1/2 days of school left before summer vacation! I know the staff I will be working with are staff that will work until mid-June (and year round) and it might be better for us to hold the meeting after school lets out for the year so we have no time constraints...I could handle an all day meeting to iron out Harley's education for the next two years...Hopefully they can too!

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