Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lacking motivation

I can't motivate today...I just want to go to bed and let the world pass me by...I don't want to do the laundry, the dishes, cook, clean...NOTHING! I just want to disappear...

I feel like I should go and get some mental health help, but it's not like medication will magically make the pain go away...besides, if I don't even feel like dealing with my own kids why in the hell would I go and deal with strangers? I don't feel like going in public today...I don't feel like going and dropping off my time sheets...I don't feel like changing diapers...I don't feel like I even want to be in exsistence right now...I think I will go in self-destruct mode now...

I'll try to think of something happier to post about later...

Would someone pass me a ladder so I can climb out of this dark hole? I don't know who took it away but it sure was rude of them...If ya can't pass me a ladder could you at least pass me a light?


Anonymous said...

Julie walking to the edge of the hole throwing down a flashlight after her 4 hour flight to Colorado and pulling the ladder back to the hole dropping it over the side and climbing down in your hole with you to wait for you to have the strength to climb out....Cause I sure aint gonna carry your butt...LOL J/K Im right here though hon just grab my hand.....I wont let go ......and i wont stop caring..... and i'lll stay with you in your hole until you are ready to climb out and see the sunshine rising on a new day... Love you Honey .....friends are here.....Julie

Haley said...

Aw Tracy, you need to get into your dr!!! You don't need to live like this, if you can get help, why would you want to suffer? I totally understand. Just go and see, do it for your kids. Take care of yourself.